Three Doctor's Appointments
This week started out with us running. Easter day wasn’t over before I had to drive Taylor back to Brookhaven and prepare our taxes for Jerry to take to our accountant and drive back to the city the same day. Anabelle had three appointments scheduled for Monday and I needed to prepare for that as well. Mondays are Anabelle’s dad’s only day off, so we try to schedule her appointments for then.
Her first appointment Monday was with the audiologist. All three appointments were at Tulane Medical Center and at least I was familiar with the location. Anabelle had been hospitalized there twice before. He tested her hearing again to determine if she needed corrective surgery or hearing aids. He determined she hears at 50 decibels, which indicated she has mild to moderate hearing loss.
We then met with her Ear Nose and Throat specialist. She reviewed the hearing test and told us Anabelle also has fluid on her ears. She would recommend tubes for her ears, but the risk of complications from anesthesia outweigh the benefits. I also mention my concern about the sounds Anabelle makes when she is breathing. I describe it as resembling the sound a cat makes
when purring, a Speech therapist would describe it as a “wet voice.” There is little hope of this improving the doctor told us; however, Anabelle is a little fighter, and she has been on a roll of progress lately, so I keep praying. We were given the phone number to call and schedule her fitting for hearing aids and sent upstairs to see the pediatrician.
The first thing we do is undress her for her official weigh in. Twelve pounds and four ounces, steady gaining weight and as the doctor said, “thriving!” We also get bumped up to only coming every three weeks instead of every two weeks. It’s so nice to get a little good news. I try to digest the new information on her hearing loss. It is common for babies with Zellweger Disorder to lose their sight and hearing. I won’t worry about that now. I find worry to be of no benefit. I tell the doctor about using the Karo syrup to relieve constipation. She approved and gave me detailed guidelines to follow. I told her we had found relief from the constipation using it but had stopped the last two days in order to see if Anabelle was going to be successful moving her bowels without help. I would later realize that she needs it daily.
Anabelle had a restless Monday night. I could tell she was straining to move her bowels, so I gave her the baby enema around two in the morning after exhausting every other attempt to help her. Again, immediately she had mission accomplished. It wasn’t until 4 a.m. this morning that she finally was able to go to sleep. She awoke at 6 a.m. but went right back to sleep after her diaper was changed and slept until 11:30 a.m.
The home health nurse came and weighed Ms. Anabelle. She gained weight again and now weighs twelve pounds and seven ounces! I had too many chores to do so I didn’t get a nap, but I plan on retiring to bed as soon as I finish updating this blog.
When Anabelle’s dad arrived home from work, we took Anabelle for her walk. It was overcast and the temperature was comfortable enough for shorts. Anabelle smiled as I placed her bonnet on her head. I know this baby is anticipating the stroller ride. She was content, being able to keep her eyes open without the use of sunglasses. Before returning home, she had drifted off to sleep for her evening nap.
She slept just an hour, which is good since I want her to be able to sleep tonight (and Maemo wants to sleep tonight). She enjoyed her nap and has been a much more relaxed, comfortable baby this evening. Shortly after her bath and massage she fell asleep, and so far, is resting peacefully and looks like an angel.
Good night.