
This morning started out a little rough. Let me back up and say that last night, Anabelle was happy and content, however, wasn’t ready to go to bed until 11:30 pm. So, we rocked a little, played in the bouncer while Maemo folded laundry and other chores, while taking mini breaks for my Anabelle time, every so often. She woke the first time at 3:30 am and was cramping with gas. I turned off her feeding pump and vented her using a large syringe as a funnel, to allow the air to escape from her little tummy. I gave her some baby gas drops through her tube, changed her diaper and back to sleep she went. Then again at 6 am, she was stirring so I got up to change her diaper and stopped the feeding pump to give her a break. I decided I would just stay up and get a head start on the day.
I finally broke down and joined Facebook for Anabelle. I hope this helps with keeping all communication open and flowing for all our kind friends and family, who are following Anabelle’s progress. Not sure why I’ve avoided joining FB, mainly because my life was so full of living that there was little time for social networking. I am an admitted tennis addict, and recently I've added golf to my addictions. I used to play tennis 5 days a week and golf (however ugly my game) an average of 2-3 days a week. Not to mention I still am raising a talented 15-year-old that plays sports year-round. Before current events, I would only miss tennis or golf to watch her play. Did I mention I also used to work full time practicing Occupational Therapy as a COTA for?
I was able to bath and dress (this may sound trivial but ask anyone taking care of a young baby and they will agree it is no easy task to accomplish), work on Facebook account, and eat breakfast timing it just right for when Anabelle finished her nap. She woke up smiling…there is nothing more beautiful, my heart melts, it is all worthwhile. I decide it was a good time for our stroll, the weather was sunny and beautiful. When I pushed her stroller where sunlight hit her face she smiled! That was the first big smile I have ever seen her give without one of us talking baby talk and kissing her. I estimate we walked three miles on our loop through the Garden District as we found our way to a local park. Anabelle was sleeping sweetly by the time we made it home.
Good night