Happy Easter
Good Friday morning Anabelle woke up around 9:30 a.m. with a little cold in her right eye. Her little tear duct gets clogged, and we have to take a warm wet washcloth and massage it and put saline drops in to help it clear up. She wasn’t fussy but she wasn’t smiling as much either. I was concerned about the iron in her formula causing her to be constipated. I had given the karo syrup in her formula the night before, as I had in the past when she seemed to be having trouble. Well, around 10:30 a.m. Ms. Anabelle had relief. She was like a different baby. She was feeling so much better that the smiles started and so did the cooing.
It’s hard to keep up with dates and holidays as the days flow together. I have been so wrapped up in our hectic life that I was surprised to realize it was Good Friday. When I stop and try to imagine how God could sacrifice his only son for us, it is hard to understand how he could do it. When we first were given her diagnosis, I had a talk with God. I told him, I know I am your child, and I am hurting over our little Anabelle’s condition. I told him I can hardly stand it…I know he hurts when we hurt, but I don’t know how he can just watch it happen, when he has the power to change it. I said, “God,
I love you, no matter what happens to Anabelle or whatever else might happen. I will never stop loving you. I don’t understand why we are going through this, but I accept that one day…when I am with you, I will then be able to understand.” It’s not that cut and dry…a process of my faith growing. I don’t have control over it anyway. All I can do is pray and exercise faith that God is in control and whatever happens, will happen. I am not alone. I thank God for his gift to me and for Anabelle.
Saturday, I get up early before Ms. Anabelle wakes, so I can get a head start for our busy day ahead. We are excited that her Granny is out of the hospital and coming with Pa-Pa and Anabelle’s aunt to visit. Taylor, my youngest child of 15 years of age, is coming to visit me to my delight! We are also expecting Christy Hart Lee from Brookhaven, MS to visit as well. I speed bathe and straighten the house, finishing as the guest arrive.
I eat lunch and visit, before I retire upstairs to Ashley’s apartment to give Anabelle time with her other family. Taylor stays downstairs and goes on a walk with Anabelle, Ashley, and Nikki’s in-laws. I skip the walk to take advantage of all the help visiting and opt for a nap. I planned on sleeping for an hour or two. I wake up five hours later feeling alive again. I guess I needed rest more than I realized.
Easter morning is peaceful and calm as Anabelle wakes up happy and we start our day. I pray to God a prayer thanking him for this precious baby and asking him to be merciful to us today. As I pick her up and gently kiss her check, she strains to turn her head to look at me. She opens her little mouth like a baby bird and tries to lift her head toward me. That is her cue to me that she wants a kiss. It is the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had.
We spend the day quiet with our little routines. All our visitors have gone home. I place Anabelle in her swing and position it at my feet, so she can see me while I work on the computer. I get a little accomplished until I hear her beginning to tire of the activity. I pick her up and she smiles. I think we both need a break and head to the rocking chair with our angel. I don’t rock her long, before she is fast asleep, and I lay her in her crib. After returning to work a few minutes on the computer, I heard Anabelle strangling and coughing. I run turn the pump off and turn her on to her side. She is able to manage the mucus and thank God she doesn’t throw up. Unfortunately, she is still acting constipated. I do my usual constipation routine, mix a little karo syrup into her formula and say a prayer. A short time after and ta-da, happy baby again.
She is resting and sleeping peacefully in her crib. I am going to bed too. As soon as I get this posted online.
Good night.