A Better Day
When I think back on how far Anabelle has come since first being diagnosed, I am reminded that we have already seen miracles along the way. Before the feeding tube placement, she was a sick, sick baby. Her coloring was yellow, and she slept a lot. She would have bouts of diarrhea and would fall asleep nursing. Slow but steady, she started to grow once we found a formula compatible with her digestive system.
A picture speaks a thousand words it’s been said, so here is a picture of Anabelle when she was at her weakest state. When you look at her recent photo, it’s like looking at a different baby. She also battled sepsis and a severe viral infection. Both episodes requiring hospitalization to treat. During the times in the hospital, it was difficult to watch her have to get blood drawn on a daily basis for test ordered by the team of various specialist. There is a limit on how much blood can be drawn per day, based on her weight, requiring the team of doctors communicate with each other to prioritize the test in order to not push the limits of Anabelle’s tolerance.
Today Anabelle is becoming more herself. She smiled more and cooed more. There were a couple of times when she would struggle to clear the mucus, but no spitting up, hallelujah! We were able to go for a walk and I finally was able to deal with the paperwork requirements for my leave of absence from work.
Anabelle’s dad worked his usual two shift Friday, working in the morning at the grocery store and in the evening at Sentiments, their wine and cheese dive. Ashley has finished working on the HBO series, Treme, and has started work on another HBO series, True Detective. They film long hours, leaving her little time to be able to stay with us. However, she was so sweet and came downstairs after having slept a few hours, after filming all night until 6:30 a.m., allowing me to run to Fed Ex to fax my leave of absence extension request. Today is the deadline to submit it.
This evening is just me and my sweet Anabelle. I gave her a bath and massaged her legs and arms with lavender scented oil. She had an over all good day and I am thankful for that! Thanks to everyone for their prayers for Nikki. She is doing better. It’s one day at a time. We love her very much and pray God continues to heal her heart and mind.
Good night